
Athletes Year 5 & 6

Last week our strongest athletes from year 5 & 6 competed at the Islington Sportshall Athletics Competition at Beacon High School. Children had trained hard at school to be ready to race in a range of events, from the obstacle relay to the long distance 6 lap paarlauf. They also competed in field events such as speed bounce, foam javelin and standing triple jump. Our children performed incredibly well in both track and field events and ended up coming joint first overall with Canonbury. Both schools scored exactly 154 points! Well done to Myles, Aidan, Ambar, Eloise, Bella, Emily M, Emily H, Solomiia, Amelia, Alisia, Anselme, Luke, Joshua, Bruno, Ted, Maddox, Taylor, Ben, Ottie and Eva. A special mention goes to Florence who was an exceptional team manager for the day.