Values and Ethos
At St Joan of Arc School, we set a very high priority on ‘good behaviour’ and as a Roman Catholic School, our view of good behaviour comes from Gospel values with an emphasis on the 4 Christian values embodied by St. Joan of Arc.
Love, Service, Respect & Courage – these are the school rules.
The 4 Christian values are the school’s aspirations, inspired by the example of St Joan of Arc. From these values, our ethos is clear – reflected in the actions we strive for when working and learning in our school.
Our Christian values and ethos are the basis from which any rule in the school is formed. For example, wearing the correct school uniform relates to respect, treating each other as we would like to be treated relates to respect and love. Following your class rules relates to respect and service. Being proactive and positive, standing up to bully-ish behaviour relates to courage.