
Maths this week!

This week we have been reviewing our Maths provision at St Joan of Arc. It has been wonderful to see all of the different learning that has been taking place in Maths lessons.

In Nursery, children were sorting different 2-D shapes. They were thinking about the different colours of the shapes and extended their learning by progressing to sorting real-life everyday objects.

Children in different year groups have been using different resources to support them with their learning. In Reception, children have been learning about identifying and supporting amounts of 1, 2 and 3.

Year 2 were working hard to develop an even more in-depth understanding of place value and the number operations. In their lessons, they were learning by using a mixture of concrete maths resources and pictorial representations to show how they were making and adding different numbers.

In Year 4, they were beginning a new topic of Area. Children were exploring how they can calculate the area of different objects using non-standard units of measure, such as counters.

Year 6 have been learning about decimals in relation to their learning about addition and subtraction and were problem solving and identifying some of the potential misconceptions that can occur in this area of Maths.

Here is what some children from different year groups had to say about their Maths:

“There are different challenges, like we start with looking at the subject and then go to greater depth problems.”

“I liked learning about place value as we learnt about a variety of methods to support us.”

“We get to discuss concepts and methods and then you can see if other people agree. That is really fun.”

It has been wonderful to see so much excellent Maths learning taking place at St Joan of Arc. Please continue to support your child’s Maths learning at home by supporting them with their homework, discussing what they are learning about and by allowing them time to access the following apps:

  • Timetable Rockstars app
  • Numbots app
  • 1 Minute Maths app